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Category: Case Study
Vertical: Government
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HM_Land_Registry_logoVital land and property owner registration institution HM Land Registry has transformed its integration technological landscape.

Leveraging MuleSoft, they’ve built a sustainable API strategy to streamline their corporate systems, minimising errors and accelerating service automation to help deliver a secure and efficient land registry.

Results at a Glance:
The number of APIs in Production. 240 hours to build an API.
The reuse rate is defined as % of APIs with multiple consumers.
hours saved in development alone due to APIs' reuse.

When you buy or sell a house, flat or land, the details about your ownership are recorded with His Majesty's Land Registry (HMLR) to protect your property rights. Responsible for maintaining over 26 million land titles, HMLR plays a crucial role in enabling secure lending and supporting a stable and innovative economy. Each registered title is linked to information about the extent of the land, details about the owners, any charges (mortgage), benefits, restrictions and even the likelihood that the property will flood. All of this information stacks up to generate a massive volume of data sources. 

HMLR needed a solution that would consolidate data from various sources into a single point of truth. The siloed information was hindering their capacity to generate reports and effectively plan their finances. More than that, they required a secure tool that would modernise their organisational culture, accelerating the digitisation and automation of their services. Their existing platform was reaching its end-of-life, so time was of the essence in getting a new system in place.


  • Manual extracting and submission of data is inefficient and prone to errors;
  • Lack of automation in critical financial processes, including operational reconciliations;
  • Increased risk of fraud and abuse due to manual tasks;
  • Various siloed data sources without a single point of truth;
  • Duplicate records and data consistency issues due to manual processing.


How we made it work

HMLR required an integration solution to automate the process of data extraction and real-time consolidation. To start with, the organisation engaged our MuleSoft experts to run a  1-day MuleSoft Test Workshop. During the event, the HMLR team evaluated whether MuleSoft's integration platform would be the right fit for the organisation's needs. Following the workshop's success, HMLR selected MuleSoft as their integration enabler.


API-led solution for HM Land Registry.


The project applied an API-led connectivity approach to the design (as shown above) to decouple the backend data sources and the receiving Anaplan app. This abstraction layer reduced the dependencies and provided opportunities for reusability for future integration projects.


HMLR Anaplan Solution Overview – Logical View

Data flow solution - logical view.


Starting your API-led integration initiative?

Our Kick-start Integration Kit is a perfect solution for organisations that have chosen MuleSoft as the primary transformation enabler and are looking to get started fast.


Momentum gained

Applying Kick-start Integration Kit (KiK), our process-based solution, we helped HMLR set up a solid foundation with reusable APIs, launch the project and demonstrate value in only 90 days. This approach helped design the solution right from the start and follow a series of best practices, thus minimising the need for additional rework and reducing the project delivery time.

Since initially launching, we’ve partnered with HMLR on dozens of integration projects that have benefited from API reuse and out-of-the-box connectors provided by MuleSoft. Given the massive size of the organisation and volume of third parties, the ability to execute these processes at times required a fair level of complexity. We worked closely with HMLR to ensure our delivery teams adapted to the needs of each project and provided the adequate skills and resources to tackle the job.

When building out project roadmaps, a core focus is scalability - as a result, our development teams build connectors with reusability as a top priority. The breadth of APIs implemented has contributed to an extreme improvement in the reduction of data entry errors and security risks, granting HMLR customers access to a more efficient and secure land registry.

Key deliverables achieved

HMLR is an excellent example of how fast a company can start realising the benefits of MuleSoft and API-led connectivity, and how well a company can maximise the value of API reuse.

HMLR's initial three integration projects delivered over a 15-month timeframe benefitted from the foundations laid during this project. As a result of API reuse and out-of-the-box connectors provided by MuleSoft, the team delivered the consequent projects three(!) times faster than the original estimations. Furthermore, even within the first project, the team successfully reused several System APIs and, thus, accelerated the delivery.

Since then, HMLR has executed dozens more integrations, enhancing their business’s automation capabilities.

  • 19,200 hours of development and over £1,920,000 in savings.

  • 25 APIs were reused 80 times. Building 80 separate direct system connections would take 19,200 development hours and cost over £1,920,000 (the average developer rate is £100).

  • 64.10% reuse rate, defined as % of APIs with multiple consumers.
  • Actionable insights and data consolidation to get instant answers to revenue opportunities and cost concerns.

  • Single source of truth - access to near real-time transactional data from various sources.
  • Provide foundations and reusable assets to facilitate and accelerate future integration deliveries.
  • Minimisation of manual processing, reducing data entry errors and security risk.
API reuse HMLR

What's coming next

Our partnership between HMLR and MuleSoft continues to evolve. Future integration goals include synchronising address data, optimising financial data-related processes and focusing on key front-end integrations. HMLR aims to further leverage MuleSoft to enhance customer service, increase efficiency and explore additional internal use cases.

In conclusion, our collaboration with HMLR demonstrates the power of seamless integration and automation in overcoming complex challenges. The achieved milestones not only improved operational efficiency and customer experience but also laid the foundation for continued innovation and growth in their technology.